IVR Setup

Don’t miss out on your customers

Let you customers feel attended

Get your personalized IVR and enjoy bookings

Why do IVR setup?

Your circuits might be working well, you might be able to get leads but if you are not able to attend your customer, you won’t be able to solve their booking queries and the advantage of this one this single flaw will be taken by your competitors for they have already fabricated their ivr setup that will be attending your customers even if a physical body is not present to succour them. IVR configuration provides a significant help when hoteliers receive significant traffic as maintaining them all at once won’t be practically possible. Plus it won’t always be that each and every person in the department knows all the solutions. Therefore, if a customized ivr is set up, it will become easy for customers to get solutions of their common hotel query through interactive voice response and if the problem is not solved, the ivr hierarchy will connect the customer to the respected department, giving them a satisfactory solution and enhancing their experience.

Why is our Support needed?

At innvant we believe that the hard-earned customers should not go empty handed with problems unsolved. Therefore, we develop a personalized ivr setup for your hotel that will be proficient enough to answer customer’s query. With our expert’s support, you don’t need to worry about training human resources, spending more on operations and attending customers at night. We will simplify all that for you! Our Interactive Voice Response systems are strong enough to handle heavy customer traffic and transfer unanswered query to the responsible department. It also keeps the record of how calls went through,calls missed, calls attended so that the assistance flow can be analyzed and likewise the required changes can be made. The benefits also extend beyond to helping hoteliers to find out which call prompt is executed the most and where the caller ended the call. The overall report is displayed on the dashboard which hospitality owners can review while measuring the growth rate.

What makes us special?

Automation is all what the hotel industries demand for. If your calls are not automated, the increasing pressure on the existing staff and the burden of hiring more staff for the same work will end you up with rising operational cost and incomplete customer satisfaction. At innvant, we help you in developing the exact ivr configuration your customers call for so that none of your investment goes wrong. Be it answering calls at night or handling bulk traffic, we invent a system that helps you sleep peacefully so that your mind can focus on the other crucial aspects.

Ready to get started?

With every additional minute you spend on thinking about getting your hotel ivr, the more clients you are going to lose. Don’t wait any more. Book a free consultation today and begin reaching your customers.

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Why Choose Us?

When it comes to providing ordinary services, our competitors are way more lucky to get customers for we are known for our extraordinary work and premium quality. Our customers choose us because the services we provide are what the market lacks. The quality we ensure is what our competitors fail to deliver and that's something proudly making Innvant no.1 in the hotel marketing industry when it comes to furnish services for hotels.

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